
The purpose of this theatre blog is to promote what I’m doing (and what I think about what I’m doing)—and what you’re doing, if you care to share.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Whose Play Is It, Anyway?

I have made many changes to several plays based on a director's sensibilities and suggestions. Granted, this was during the development process—though the development process never really ends, does it? This is called artistic collaboration.

Audiences are never in on any of this, and the audience experience means everything to me, more than my creative self-approval. I save all my material, including many alternate endings, cut scenes, songs. My art is all that others see and all that they don't. I'm king of my universe, as self-absorbed and proud of my work as the next megalomaniac. But in life, in business, even in the arts business, I strive to be patient, kind, and ever so tolerant.

The meek inherit the earth—and don't get an inflated sense of themselves.